


esp-generate is project generation tool that can be used to generate an application with all the required configurations and dependencies

  1. Install esp-generate:

    cargo install esp-generate
  2. Generate a project based on the template, selecting the chip and the name of the project:

    esp-generate --chip=esp32c6 your-project

    See Understanding esp-generate for more details on the template project.

    When the esp-generate subcommand is invoked, you will be prompted with a TUI where you can select the configuration of your application. Upon completion of this process, you will have a buildable project with all the correct configurations.

  3. Build/Run the generated project:

    • Use cargo build to compile the project using the appropriate toolchain and target.
    • Use cargo run to compile the project, flash it, and open a serial monitor with our target device.


esp-idf-template is based on cargo-generate, a tool that allows you to create a new project based on some existing template. In our case, esp-idf-template can be used to generate an application with all the required configurations and dependencies.

  1. 安装 cargo generate

    cargo install cargo-generate
  2. Generate a project based on the template:

    cargo generate esp-rs/esp-idf-template cargo

    See Understanding esp-idf-template for more details on the template project.

    调用 cargo generate 子命令时,它会询问几个关于应用程序目标的问题。完成这些问题后,就会生成一个配置好的项目,可以直接构建。

  3. 构建/运行生成的项目:

    • cargo build 编译项目(自动使用合适的工具链和目标)。
    • cargo run 编译项目、向目标设备烧写程序、并开启一个串口监视器。

在模板中使用开发容器(Dev Container)


开发容器使用 idf-rust 镜像,配置开发环境中的使用容器一节对此进行了解释。这个镜像提供了一个无需安装即可为乐鑫芯片开发 Rust 应用程序的环境。开发容器还可以与 Wokwi 模拟器协作,以模拟项目,并允许使用 web-flash 从容器中进行烧写。